This year, 2021, is an extraordinary time. What are your intentions (not resolutions) this year? How do you want to look back at this year from New Year’s Eve, 2021? What did you achieve? What did you contribute?
Here are a few suggestions for 2021 intentions:
- Give more of yourself than last year. Our world is turned upside down right now. How could you help others? Each of us knows someone, a relative or neighbor, especially the elderly, who could use assistance. Help with groceries could be a lifesaver. Be a Lifesaver this year.
- Take extra good care of yourself. Better diet, exercise in or outdoors will contribute to your well-being. Be an example of self-care.
- READ: How about ‘War and Peace? Only kidding
However, reading fiction or nonfiction exercises your noggin. Be smarter this year.
- Be quiet, meditate. Giving the noggin a rest actually increases awareness. Be more aware.
- We are all under great stress, emotionally and financially. If you have the resources, share any way you can.
- Cook! Paint! Write! Use your creativity. It keeps you sane!
- Be the change you want to see in the world!
”Go placidly amid the noise & haste. And remember what peace there may be in silence…You are a child of the Universe, no less than the trees & the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should…” (Desiderata by Max Ehrmann)