”Be Here Now,” by Ram Dass. The book entered my life in the 1970s when I was a wild and crazy flower child. I would spend the next 50 years (tho not exclusively) trying to understand and incorporate that idea into my life. I’m still working with it because living in the now takes constant […]

Plato first introduced the concept of the “Philosopher King” in his Utopia. Spinoza would take up the cause a few thousand or so years later. The Philosopher King rules with Science. In other words, rules with facts; not fiction, not lies, not opinions. Facts! The Philosopher King has earned his/her way up the ladder of […]


September 27, 2023 My September Surprise. It was a Wednesday. I remember talking with Ursula. She came to clean and we talked a little about family and life. We laughed and then she left around 12:30 pm. I have no further memory for many days to follow. The events below were relayed to me by […]

The Desiderata

Go placidly amid the noise & haste & remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly & clearly; and listen to others, even the dull & ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud & aggressive persons, they […]


Sound familiar? Truth of it: The very part of the brain affected by illness, be it Bipolar or Schizophrenia, is the frontal lobe. The frontal brain also contains judgement and awareness functions. This is why we do not recognize when we are in the grips of mania. The very part of our brain that should […]

BEWARE! What happens when we go up against a FORCE OF NATURE? WE ARE LIVING THE REALITY OF THE FORCES OF NATURE…What do you think is happening to the world? What would you call a world on fire, while record floods rage. And the human animal being overwhelmed by YOUR OWN CHOICES. Now you see […]

Eyes Wide Open

When was the last time you questioned your own opinion on…education, or childcare, or race, or gender, or perhaps politics…or your future and the future of your country? These are serious questions; questions that open consciousness, conscious thought.  Without self-examination there can be no growth. The act of ”doubling down” on old, worn out ideology does more to set […]

CONSCIOUSNESS: Lies are destructive. Lies are a cover for anything we want to hide. And, when we try to hide behind Lies, we actually betray ourselves. The Star Wars stories portray this principle simply and effectively. So, we shall shamelessly borrow. And we shall see how easy it is to embrace The Dark Side.  It’s easy to justify a […]

We are ending a very difficult year. It did not have to be this way. I write this on the last day of 2021, New Years Eve. We are going into the 3rd year of the pandemic. It did not have to be this way. Our thinking has become rigid. We are our own worst […]

A Survival guide

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein It is about time that we recognize what is happening in the U.S., and around the world’s democracies. There is a fear that has gripped some people – certainly not all. “Fear is the mind killer. […]

Do we ever know when we are manic?  Not really.  We think if we take our meds, we’re fine.  Those meds are the safety guard rails.  Right?  And, in all honesty, we crave a little mania.  We are ‘smarter,’ ‘more clever,’ maybe more ‘spiritual,’ definitely more energetic. I never really understood mania.  My husband always […]


If you have a mental disorder such as depression, an anxiety or personality disorder, bipolar disorder, PTSD, etc.  If you find yourself confused by the times – you are in good company.  Dickens said it well: “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” We are almost two years into the […]

These are the words of Thomas Paine. In his time (c. 1776), Paine was the Champion of the people. He lived in a time of Revolution. And he understood what such chaos does to a person’s Soul. We are living under such chaos: crazy lies pitting American against American; a deadly pandemic that many refuse […]

“Survival of the Wisest”   Dr. Jonas Salk What if….. Our planet Earth was experiencing unprecedented deterioration? Wildfires, flooding, iceberg meltdowns, the gulf-stream disappearing and the destruction of our rain forests-to name only a few planet “changes” that are taking place, were REAL? A fat clump of citizens were in total and absolute denial of […]

I’m dealing with a familiar dilemma: mixed emotions. Which one must express? Is it the stress or the depression, or maybe both, kind of like a compound sentence. But the emotions compete with each other, Which one can cause me more grief? The strongest one takes center stage. So that would be depression. And what […]

Did you know that Emotion follows Thought?  So, when feeling depressed, the question is: What are you thinking?  If your thinking is from fear or hate, you are courting disaster.  If your thinking is confused, you must seek out healing. Emotion Follows Thought.  What are you thinking?  This is the question to ALWAYS ask ourselves. […]

Nothing rests.  Everything moves, Everything vibrates. (The Hermetic Principal of Vibration). This Principal of Vibration is at the heart of Mental Alchemy.  Our thoughts are vibrations.  And, another Principle states “Like attracts like.”  Negative thoughts have heavy, dark vibrations.  Dwelling in negative vibes are magnetic.  They attract more negative/dark thoughts in your life.  And these […]

Do you know why meditation has lasted thousands of years?  It raises vibration.  Meditation quiets our mind.  That is the real value of meditation.  Because when our minds are quiet…the static leaves.  What is left behind? Think of a radio.  Adjusting the dial, we hear static, noise, until we find a Chanel with strong enough […]

The Times Have Found Us   (Nancy Pelosi) We have been in a pandemic for a year.  How are you coping?  What kinds of changes have you made and how’s it working for you? I’ve had a recent triumph,  I’m back on the stationary bike, regularly.  Not quite every day.  I’m up to 20 minutes. […]

Be The Change 🌎

This year, 2021, is an extraordinary time. What are your intentions (not resolutions) this year?  How do you want to look back at this year from New Year’s Eve, 2021?  What did you achieve?  What did you contribute? Here are a few suggestions for 2021 intentions:  Give more of yourself than last year.  Our world […]

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