Pandemic Fatigue is real. And most of the world is feeling it. We have struggled with the Coronavirus for about 9 months; almost a year for those with real knowledge of the virus. We see daily updates on new infections and deaths, which continue to skyrocket unabated. Our movements are very limited now. And our BEHAVIOR is under scrutiny.
Now, there are quite a few who think that COVID-19 is fake news. Many believe conspiracy theories. Some threaten and plan attacks on the Michigan governor. Why? Because she ordered restrictions due to the virus. She was doing her job, protecting the pubic health. This is one incident of many…and the virus rages on.
I bring this up because it is only one of many dangers people face at this time. Many, many are facing hunger and homelessness. So anxiety and stress are through the roof!
First, I wish you the very best health and well-being! This is first and foremost. There are some coping mechanisms to help:
- Eat well. This is not so easy with limited resources. But, there are often food banks and other resources, especially now. Check the churches in your area. This is a very difficult time for many people. If you make a call to check out the resources available, also ask for other churches or programs near you. Here is a link for nationwide assistance:
- Exercise, even in the snow. Walking is unbeatable for us. It clears the head. Get our heart rates up. Take your mask with you and wear it when near others. Masks are life-savers not political statements. At home one of the best exercises is stretching, just slow and easy. Never push till you are uncomfortable.
- Stay connected to others. The internet is a great resource if you have it. If not, telephone family and friends to check on them.
- Make projects for yourself. Got any closets or drawers that could use attention? Cooking, baking, cleaning are all like medicine when you are depressed. Reach out to neighbors or elderly relatives. They will need help. If you are able, helping others is also great therapy.
- Read. Reading a good book is like taking a mini vacation. It massages the mind. Learn something new or finally get to War and Peace
- Keep doctor and therapist appointments. Many are over internet or phone. Keep an ongoing list of symptoms or problems to discuss. Keep it handy so you can add to it as needed.
- Mental Alchemy. Using mental alchemy during this time is one of the most important tools for mental health. Much of what is written above utilizes Mental Alchemy. Reaching out to others, in a safe manner now, helps you and the other person. But it also helps those around us. Often when we see someone’s act of kindness it inspires others as well.Working with our thoughts is rather difficult now. Adopt a simple solution: Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) is the writer’s motto. Let’s borrow it, shall we? When sad or depressed, let it be. Don’t try to do mental gymnastics to escape the pain. Let it be. Then see how you might change one thought, only one. For example: “I feel desperate to get out of this depression.” Turn that into a deep breath and soft, healing words, as though comforting a dear friend. “It’s ok. It is ok to feel that way. I will let it ride for a bit then do something to feel better, like a bubble bath, or help my child with homework.” Sometimes just giving ourselves permission to have these feelings helps. But, do not dwell in those feelings. That is what is unhealthy; not in having the depressive thought, but dwelling there, staying too long. Like old fish or houseguests, it starts to stink.
I wish you safety, excellent health and well-being. Remember, you are not alone. If you need to connect, please send an email (on the Contact page.) I will respond.